
August 31, 2011

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Guests receive Cocaine dusted kourambiedes at funeral !

According to the newsit website, police officials arrested a gang of Bulgarian drug dealers after discovering that they tried to camouflage a large quantity of cocaine by sprinkling it on a load of kourambiedes before selling it. Yes you heard correctly, by sprinkling it on a fresh batch of sweetly-baked kourambiedes. 

And now comes the whacky part of the story. One of the Bulgarians, who apparently worked at a local bakery in the area, received an order for kourambiedes to be sent to some funeral home, and the idiot sent the wrong batch! 

It didn’t take long for guests to discover that what they were eating was not sugar, but cocaine! I don't know if the affair turned into a rave party, but certainly the taste of kourambie is very distinctive. The funeral home owner reported the incident right away, and the culprits were arrested. 

I do not know why they were serving kourambie at a funeral home, but then again this is Northern Athens, where all the "elite" live, so nothing surprises me. Only one thing is for certain, this must have been the funniest and coolest funeral they ever attended in their lives!

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