
August 26, 2011

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DiCaprio's girlfriend party's hard on Mykonos

Israeli model Bar Refaeli, at 18 years oldImage via Wikipedia 
Leonardo DiCaprio's ex-girlfriend Bar Refaeli has been posting updates about her Mediterranean tour on Twitter, and showing off, or flaunting her her "belly dancing" talent in Greece, or at least trying to do so. 

The Israeli beauty was most recently spotted while on the beach on the Greek Party Island Mykonos, where she was  surrounded by a flock of adoring men, said one report from the New York Post.
Refaeli had ventured to Sardinia in July with her new beau, which some say is businessman David Fisher, but then she  travelled to Mykonos with friends. 

Maybe she is still in love with  Leonardo DiCaprio... I mean who wouldn't be, but partying all night in Mykonos, and jet setting all over Sardinia is not really going to convince this Oscar winning actor. It might just getting him a wee bit angry.

Source: (ANI)
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