
July 30, 2011

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Striking taxi drivers cause massive traffic across the country

Taxi in GreekImage by MPD01605
Greek taxi drivers are continuing with their strike. After a fruitless meeting with the Minister of Infrastructure, Transport and Communications, Giannis Ragousis, taxi owners decided to continue their strike indefinitely, and harden their stance even more.

Since Friday afternoon, Thessaloniki taxi owners held motorized protests causing massive traffic congestion between Thessaloniki and New Moudania, when in fact, the weekend travellers and holidaymakers had already begun trying to leave the city.
The procession of motorists set out in the early afternoon and arrived in Portaria, near Nea Moudania, causing total traffic chaos. Traffic officials directed the movement of vehicles through alternative routes.
The second “hit” came from Larissa motorists who staged a symbolic occupation of the Tempe area for a quarter of an hour. The blockade was symbolic, while 50 taxis were in the area, protesting.
The Ministry seems determined to move ahead with the liberalization of the profession, as it announced after meeting with the owners.
The communiqué added that these rules will also be governing all aspects of the profession, including the issuing of the license, driver training and new formats and taxi services. The strike, however, is expected to continue into next week.
On Monday afternoon, Ragousis is scheduled to meet with the drivers.

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