
July 30, 2011

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Riot police forcefully remove Indignants from Syntagma Square

At 5 am this morning and in the presence of a district attorney, Greek riot police forcefully removed all the tents of the Indignant protesters on Syntagma Square (Constitution Square) in downtown Athens. Press reports said during the day that with the help of the cleaning service of the Municipality of Athens all tents and objects were removed and placed on trucks for collection, near by. According to witnesses, four arrests were made after some indignants attempted to stop the police. 

Yesterday Athens Mayor George Kaminis had warned that Syntagma Square (Constitution Square) would be returned to the citizens of Athens, while he characterized the peaceful protesters that had set up their tents there since the demonstrations began on May 25,  as being nothing more but homeless people, drug users and dropouts. (Click here to read relevant story)

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