
July 26, 2011

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Backoyannis: to resign from politial life if she finds no party support at next elections

Head of Democratic Alliance party Dora Backoyannis said on Monday that if her party is not elected to Parliament in the forthcoming elections then she would resign from political life. Backoyanni currently serves as an independent member of the Hellenic Parliament unofficially representing her Democratic Alliance Party, the party of which she founded in 2010 after being expelled from the main opposition New Democracy party.

During a televised interview with a local Greek channel, Dora Backoyannis said that there isn’t any need for the country to head for elections at this moment; however, she noted that in Greece everything is possible. Commenting on last week’s outcome in Brussels, she underlined that results were positive for Greece, but the government has over the last year been slow in making vital decisions for the country’s future. In her opinion the only exit from the crisis would be to attract foreign investors to a more stable -Greek- financial environment.

Some would say big deal… but the real news is that Backoyannis did not rule out the possibility of allying with another party under the condition they agree on common principles.

So now the question remains... is she going to side with the ruling socialist government of PASOK in the next federal elections. Noone knows for certain, but she did after all support the socialists when she voted for the Memorandum with the Troika.

Hmmm.... it remains to be seen what she will do.

But I will personally not shed a tear... instead I will say pick up sewing, needlepoint, or reading... Good-bye and good riddance Mrs. Backoyannis!

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