


April 13, 2011

Papandreou, Rondos, Lazzard, Sorros equals to the Rothchilds

George Andreas Papandreou, Greek politician.Image via Wikipedia
In Greece we have a saying that says “show me your friends so I can show you who you really are”, meaning, the people that you associate with are generally a direct image of your real self. If that is so, then to what conclusion can a simple no one such as myself come to when I see our Prime Minister George Papandreou encircling himself with “shady” groups and international crooks?

I recently published a story on his recent meeting with George Sorros, but did you know that he has equally shadier groups working for him such Alex Rondos and the infamous Lazzard group?

Interestingly enough, one of the largest advisors to the Greek government is the Lazzard Company (a very hush-hush posh banking investment group). This “shady” investment group, which has acted as adviser to Papandreou over the past few months, apparently has direct links with the infamous Rothchilds of America.

Yes, yes… the same Rothchilds that practically own every central bank in the world, and who, as some claim, have more than 60 percent of the world’s capital or over 500 trillion US smackaroos. Yes, the same Rothchilds that employ international crook and Skopje propaganda financier George Sorros who in return probably employs Alex Rondos since Sorros is so fixated about revamping the map of the Balkans.

So we have Papandreou, Alex Rondos, the Lazzard Group, George Sorros and the Rothchilds… is it just me or does this really smell?

When asked why the Lazzard group, the government said that they were sought out and coincidentally hired in order to take steps to cut its budget deficit in the wake of the 110 billion bail-out package. Later on Lazard confirmed it had been hired to assist the Greek authorities but dismissed speculation that debt restructuring was one option being considered.

Lazard, according to relevant reports, gives our prime minister “general financial advice” but also helps the Greek government in communication with rating agencies and market participants. 

The investment bank is apparently also advising the government to restructure its railways, which lose 900 million Euros a year… and surprise surprise it is also advising our sweet and uhmmm honourable (yeah right) Prime Minister on how to restructure its electronic gaming industry to bring it in line with European Union directives. Indeed, the gaming industry the bill of which almost cost Papandreou a coup d’état from his own deputies last week.

Finally, it also adds its two cents in other privatisation initiatives and a real estate investment trusts such as large chunks of state property.

On to Alex Rondos… Mr. Rondos, according to reports, is directly linked and a very very chummy friend of Sorros. He is a former Ambassador of Greece. Prior to his government service he worked for the World Bank, formed the first international relief and development organisation of the Orthodox Church, the International Christian Orthodox Charities, and worked with Catholic Relief Services in Ethiopia, the Middle East and the United States. He is currently consulting for the private sector contributing to the efforts of several non-governmental initiatives. 

The story of how all these names tie together goes back at least four decades at a time when Margaret Chant, the mother of our current prime minister, and former wife of our late Prime Minister Andrea Papandreou, was working as a secretary for the Rothchilds.
It is said that he was approached by the Rothchilds and sent to Greece in 1974 to sell an “anti-American” climate to the much oppressed Greek people, who were then just beginning to come out of a dictatorship style government. Some claim he founded PASOK via Rothchild funds (and/or CIA) and sold the notion that he was a “leftist” by slamming American policy with campaign slogans such as “Out with American bases” in Greece. The same political analysts claim Andreas did this so he can steal voters from the Communist Party which at the time held a strong position in Parliament.
When in 1981 Andreas Papandreou took office as Prime Minister, the anti-American slogans suddenly vanished… and the Communist Party of Greece was weakened in power to some 8-9 percent in total voter turnout (just as the Americans wanted).
During the same period, but across the Atlantic, criminal George Sorros presented his newest protégé to the Rothchilds, Mr. Alex Rondos, George Papandreou’s right-hand man.
Just a couple of years later, and while papa Andreas Papandreou was in power, a new plan began taking shape, the Rothchilds together with Sorros and Alex Rondos began mapping out the political future of our present Prime Minister, or the son George Papandreou, under the strict eye of his mommy Margret of course and the correct guidance of Mr. Rondos.
Some would say so what is wrong with that… true… there is definitely nothing wrong with friendships and/or relations…. but let us not forget that Sorros and the Rothchilds were behind the dismantling of Serbia and the re-shaping of the Balkan map. Just google it… it is not just another conspiracy theory, in fact Sorros brags about it. Add this to what Kissinger said in 1974, the same year Andreas Papandreou came to Greece and it will all start making sense. 
Kissinger: “The Greek people are anarchic and difficult to tame. For this reason we must strike deep into their cultural roots: Perhaps then we can force them to conform. I mean, of course, to strike at their language, their religion, their cultural and historical reserves, so that we can neutralize their ability to develop, to distinguish themselves, or to prevail; thereby removing them as an obstacle to our strategically vital plans in the Balkans, the Mediterranean, and the Middle East.”
In simple words, the Rothchilds, Sorros and Rondos have been working since the mid seventies on George Papandreou’s political future.
He owes them… and he owes them big time since his childlike buffoon knowledge on world affairs as well as education make George Bush Junior look like Einstein!
Most importantly he owes them his political career and he does not care if he sells out or dismantles everything we know of this country because his only goal is a position on the UN. His father began the dismantling of this country, and the son came in to finish the job. It is that simple.
And the reason I say this is because the Greek lending crisis was indeed an inside job. As more and more information comes to light, it seems as though the collapse was orchestrated through the policies implemented, or not implemented - there's no need for "secretly signed papers" to prove this. You don’t have to be a rocket scientist to figure it out either, just go through the information, week by week and month by month and you will totally agree with me. We see it in action every day here.
For instance, when he gained office, George Papandreou began to bitch about the country going bankrupt and then he began to claim that the country was sinking financially. That alone is so lame. Seriously, how many people do you know, or which bank do you know that will give money to someone who's saying that their country is sinking like the Titanic?

Following this, internal borrowing and guaranteed loans were viable options that were not chosen in favor of the "international market" so that the interest rates can purposely rise to such a level that they would become prohibitively expensive (10%).

And then he called the IMF to activate the button (while having already called the IMF to monitor Greece since February when there was no such need). So between February and May of 2009 (way before he gained office), the IMF had its prescriptions ready - and then George Papandreou, following instructions from Sorros, the Rothchilds and his dear friend Alex Rondos helped push the button and sealed the deal.
What treason! But this will all slowly come to light, as the days and months role by, more and more people are stepping out and calling this whole thing for what it is TREASON.
Nonetheless, the crisis is just the beginning folks… there are more events in store… such as the issue of Skopje, (let us not forget Rondos’ primary goal), the issue of gold and other such reserves (let us not forget TVX and Sorros’ company in northern Greece) as well as the following:
Oil and Gas Deposits: Over the last two months there's been some media attention by journalists on the issue of oil and gas deposits under Greece. There are many data which point to significant deposits that would have prevented Greece from being bankrupt in the first place but were kept (intentionally) untapped. After the public media pressure, there's been some mobility by the ministries in forming a new state organization which will be responsible for handling deals with international companies, regarding the exploitation of hydrocarbon deposits. The sequence of first bankrupting the country and then extracting the oil, reminds of "Confessions by an economic hit-man" where the hit-man says how the borrowing is escalated and then the imperialist forces go and grab the mineral wealth.

Turkish Advances in the Aegean: Turkey is making advances, while there is a secret diplomacy in action between Greece and Turkey. Turkey has several claims in the Aegean Sea and Thrace, while Greece is relatively submissive. On the defence front, Turkey has been calling for reduced defence spending (Greece does that) but Turkey increases their spending for new weapon contracts significantly. In 5 to 7 years the balance of power will have shifted heavily in favor of Turkey which means Greece will be unable to defend itself properly in case of attack. New provocation plans have been brought to light recently which, this time, involved the Turkish Navy and how it would create a conflict so that Turkey would then capture a Greek island. These are all part of Turkish-coup movements to overthrow the Islamic government - but the army needs a boost in the popular opinion (which has to be triggered through "exporting" the crisis and igniting patriotic feelings vs Greece).

Of course none of this stuff would ever be broadcasted through main stream media since the media here continues to
do what it knows best: manipulate the masses. They polarize people, hide facts (and especially inconvenient facts, strikes, people's problems etc), distort the truth and are generally very co-operative with the establishment. They attack or conceal everything that could be destabilizing to the environment.

As for the unions, well they are all PASOK run and the leaders of the workers continue to be highly co-operative to the government by not proceeding to a general strike that will paralyze everything. All actions are sporadic (like 1-day strikes that have no leverage).

Finally the IMF+EU memorandum was brought to the highest court (Simvulio tis Epikratias) by the lawyers association and other workers groups in order to be cancelled as unconstitutional. This memorandum violates the constitution in a series of ways. For example it was not voted by 3/5 of the parliament as the constitution requires. And it also allows the finance minister to sign treaties on behalf of the entire country without parliamentary control (as the constitution orders).
Initially the government did not even send the necessary data request to the court, postponing the case for one month. Then, when the legal counsel of the government brought the data to the court, the court assumed an introductory position that the memorandum is actually legal, valid and constitutional - which goes against all reason. If Justice fails to uphold the constitution then things will be very serious. In this scenario all branches of the government will have proven that they are corrupt and do not serve the national interest but rather they serve foreign, undisclosed interests. In this case, the people have the final say in upholding the constitution against all corrupt institutions.

From the discussions I'm having, most people are angry but some are starting to settle with the idea that "ok that's the way it is" and maybe they also are slight more content that other countries like Ireland are experiencing similar problems (it's a psychology thing). Others ask "when is the situation going to explode with people reacting? They are impoverishing us step-by-step". But if the media doesn't show that people going en mass to the protests, then no-one is going to stage a personal protest. The media plays a key role in downplaying how protests are organized and how they are shown to the masses of people who, as a rule of thumb, do not generally protest (but would protest given that they have nothing to lose and if they knew that other ordinary people would show up by the hundreds of thousands). It is no co-incidence that the media get tax-cuts while every other sector is getting tax increases.

There has been a rapid increase in suicides and mental conditions among the population. Mental conditions, anxiety, stress-related diseases etc which arise out of the stress of having no money or the feeling of loss (losing one's job) are increasing extremely fast.

Presently the only political party that can, and probably has the ability to lead the country out of this hell hole is the right-wing New Democracy party, but it has lost its broad support. Even though party leader Antonis Samaras did not sign the memorandum of shame with the EU and the IMF, he has yet to convince his own voters that a change can indeed come.
I figure it is only a matter of time… and I say this because people are angry, and have been financially oppressed for too long. Things will begin to take shape soon. The academic, scientific and cultural community has finally awoken and joined the bandwagon for change… sooner or later people will have to decide if they want to continue to live in misery and allow traders to rule their country, or turn to Hellenes who only want the best for them… it remains to be seen.

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