


April 28, 2011

Max Keiser’s explosive interview on Kontra Channel: PASOK is a “closet conservative”

Well known economic analyst Max Keiser gave an explosive interview to Terence Kouick and Nicky Limberaki last night on Kontra Channel, charging our government of “getting in bed” with Goldman Sachs, the IMF and the global banking cartel. Keiser charged Prime Minister George Papandreou and the (want-to-be) Socialist party of PASOK of being “closet conservatives”, while he also proposed that Europe should formulate its own credit rating agencies. He said that the Greek media is corrupt, and bloggers should be protected because they are the only source of information that is right now channelling the truth to the people.

More precisely, Keiser said Greece has been the “target” of Goldman Sachs and the IMF, because Greek politicians are “easily corruptible.” He said that the whole deal back in 2001 when Greece was joining the Eurozone, under the then leadership of prime minister Costas Simitis was all corrupt. Keiser explained that Goldman Sachs came to Greece with some “accounting fraud and tricks and created a false economy” to make it easier for our country to join the Eurozone and thus set in motion the activity of hiding debts for well over a decade. On a personal note, and from the evidence presented over the years, I believe it trapped the following government of Kostas Karamanlis in following suit.

Keiser stressed that everything that we are experiencing here in Greece is because the IMF and the US have already gone bankrupt! According to him, the US has been planning our economic collapse since 2001 so that they can get their hands on our natural reserves, to leverage their way out of bankruptcy. The US, said Keiser, wants to get its hands on Greek assets for pennies, so that it can then sell them and get its own self out of the financial gutter.

When Terence Kouick asked him how the then government of Costas Simitis permitted the US investment firm to toy with its accounting books, Max Keiser underlined that Goldman Sachs officials came “with (a premium selling) sales pitch” that they could blanket the real outlook of the economy and Greek politicians easily bought in on it. Keiser said that because of this Greece “is (now) going bust because of this massive fraud that was sold to you (Greek politicians) by crooked Wall Street bankers that even the US cannot get rid of”.

When asked to state his opinion on why Greece has not taken any action against Goldman Sachs, Keiser said that the problem is that all the regulators are “captured by the bankers” and he went on to give an example. He said that the SEC (US Securities and Exchange Commission) and the FSA (the Financial Securities Authority in London) they were presented with the Bernie-Madoff fraud many times and they did nothing because they are “hostages, and owned by the bankers”. For those that do not know, the Madoff investment scandal broke in December 2008, when former NASDAQ chairman Bernard Madoff admitted that the wealth management arm of his business was an elaborate Ponzi scheme. According to press reports Madoff Securities LLC was investigated at least eight times over a 16-year period by the SEC and other regulatory authorities. In 2007, SEC enforcement completed an investigation which began on January 6, 2006, into the so called Ponzi scheme allegation which resulted in neither a finding of fraud, nor a referral to the SEC Commissioners for legal action.

Keiser went on to give yet another example he said that during Tony Blair’s term in office several years ago, as prime minister of the UK, the serious fraud office discovered that Tony Blair had submitted to Saudi Prince Bandar. According to Keiser, the Prince warned Blair that if he did not do something about stopping a pending investigation into a slush fund between the Saudis and British Aerospace the Saudis could not guarantee that another 7/7 terrorist bust bombing would not happen.

The second example, according to Keiser, is proof that people worldwide are being strangled economically because government officials and regulators are sleeping together on a bed of corruption.

He says the world has a “banker infestation problem” and said all crooked bankers should be placed in jail.

Keiser said that Greek banks that have so far been insulated from this global economic crises,  will eventually collapse. What he suggested is that the Greek government nationalize all of them immediately and secure all deposits because the debts on their books are worthless.

He proposed that European countries, or Europe itself, should establish its own credit ratings agencies, instead of only relying on the US bureaus because that is the only way to fight “fire with fire”.

He also proposed that Greece should leave from the Euro, (which he characterized as a toxic currency that put a loop around our necks), and return to the drachma.

Keiser charged the Greek media of not “functioning” properly because they have sided with what he called the “monarchs” (or those in power), this is why he added, bloggers have been targeted by those in power (and the mainstream media) because they are filling the current void in information. He explained that because the media, or journalists, are not properly and democratically doing their jobs, common citizens and citizen-journalists are filling this vacuum, and the government should be thankful to them and even subsidise their efforts instead of coming down on them for actually channelling the truth to the people.

Translation By
Marina Spanos