


April 16, 2011

X-Files: Is The Resurrection of Christ True...?

Resurrection: Son of God Jesus triumphs over d...Image via Wikipedia
What are the facts? Either Jesus’ remains are still in a tomb to this day and thus he is proved to be a delusional liar; or he rose from the dead and is the Son of God with the authority to forgive Sin and pave the way for a tangible and real relationship with God himself. Today the X-Files looks into the issue of the resurrection. Many would argue it is intellectual suicide to believe in the resurrection. However, when examined, the facts hold up… 
  • Brooke Foss Wescott, English scholar and textual critic said: “Taking all the evidence together, it is not too much to say that there is no historic incident better or more variously supported than the resurrection of Jesus Christ.”
  • Upon his death, John Singleton Copley, one of the greatest legal minds in British history, Attorney General and High Chancellor, left personal letters that contained his comments on the resurrection. He said: “I know pretty well what the evidence is; and I tell you, such evidence as that for the resurrection has never broken down yet.”
  • Lord Darling, former Lord Chief Justice said: “No intelligent jury in the world could fail to bring in a verdict that the resurrection account was true.”
What cannot be denied is the existence of Jesus and His death by crucifixion; there are 80 sources (most outside of the Bible) that attest to this. That is more documentary evidence than for the existence of Alexander the Great or Julius Caesar! The question is who was Jesus? Easter morning settles that matter!

Many have sought to discredit the resurrection. However, when held up against the facts these theories do not hold water. Most theories would state that Jesus is either still in a tomb somewhere, or his body has been removed by ill intention. Either way he was not raised from the dead and therefore is not the Son of God. But is that the case?

The Theories:

The unknown tomb theory would state history has concealed where Jesus was buried. Historians believed crucified criminals were thrown on the city rubbish dump. However, in June 1968 the tomb of a crucified Jew: Yohanan Ben Hagalal was discovered in Jerusalem proving that the crucified were buried in marked graves!

Jesus was actually buried in the private tomb of Joseph Arimathea, purchased by Joseph and commissioned in his name (he was a rich man). At least two people would have prepared Jesus’ body for burial and the women in Jesus’ party would have sat and watched these preparations. This was a recognisable tomb! 

Another theory would state that the women went to the wrong tomb on Easter morning, one that was open and not yet used. There were lots of rock-hewn tombs in the quarries and so it would be easy to get confused as to which one Jesus was buried in.

For this to be true not only were the women mistaken but Peter and John as well. The Sanhedrin and the Romans wanted Jesus kept dead; they would not make a mistake with his body. Then there is the fact that Jesus’ grave clothes were found in the tomb.

Some believe the resurrection is just a legend/myth cooked up many centuries after the event. The assumption is that the Gospels were written at least 200 yrs after the event, therefore a lie was constructed! Recent study has dated the original Gospel manuscripts between 20-50 yrs after Jesus’ death. When we think about events like WWII and Bloody Sunday, these events have happened within verifiable history. The Apostle Paul states that there were hundreds of witnesses still alive who had seen Jesus in his resurrected state.

Some would cite that the early believers had all been subject to a hallucination of Jesus’ resurrected state. However, when one examines all the occasions, times of day, locations and different people he appeared to this has to be ruled out. Well over 500 witnesses saw him in these different situations.

Some would suggest that the disciples stole the body of Jesus to feign His resurrection. This would require the men who had abandoned and denied Jesus to overcome a crack troop of 16 Roman guards and the authority of Rome that they represented, only then to move a two-ton rock!

The Key objection to this theory is that these men were the founding Fathers of one of the world’s most influential movements. First century Christians were noted for their purity and integrity. How far would you go for a lie? If the resurrection was a fabrication then they went to extreme lengths to maintain this lie… 
  • John was exiled
  • Stephen was stoned to death
  • Mathew was stabbed by a mob
  • Mark was pulled apart by horse
  • Luke was hanged
  • Peter, Philip and Simon were crucified
  • Heathens skinned Bartholomew alive
  • Thomas was pulled apart by horse
  • The Apostle James beheaded by Herod
  • Little James was sawn in two
  • Jesus’ brother was stoned to death
  • Archers killed the 2nd Judas
  • Matthias was beheaded in Jerusalem
  • Paul was killed under Nero
Some have suggested that the authorities stole the body so resurrection couldn’t be claimed. However, when the disciples were arrested for preaching the resurrection they were flogged and told not to do it anymore! Why wasn’t a body produced? Why not parade it? The silence of the authorities speaks louder than the preaching of the disciples. The Authorities had no body because Jesus was raised. 

Finally, some would suggest that Jesus just swooned. Somehow He was revived by the cool of the tomb. This meant that Jesus went through six trials, was flogged beyond recognition by a roman whip (bone and lead). Rendered so weak he couldn’t carry His own cross. Giant nails were thrust through his hands and feet and a spear into his heart. He then fooled four professional executioners. 100 pounds of gummy spices and bandages were encased around His body (He didn’t suffocate). He was then put in a cold tomb without food or water for days. Then the incredible happened! The cool damp air of the tomb healed Him. He split out of His grave clothes, moved a two-ton stone door and fought off 16 Roman soldiers, then appeared to his disciples as the Lord of life! 

The Reality:
Bearing in mind these flawed theories, there is only one viable explanation…the tomb was empty because of the supernatural bodily resurrection of Jesus. He claimed to be God and demonstrated it… All that is left for us to do, is to decide how we respond to His claim on our lives?

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