


April 7, 2011

Good news for our brains… the Greek press is on strike!

US Office for War Information poster implying ...Image via Wikipedia

It was a great day in Greece today; the press began a four-day strike. Finally, our eyes, ears and minds can unclog… and we can live as normal citizens for four days! No more propaganda, no more trash TV! Yioupi!!!

I should support their protest, which revolves around what they say are the Greek government’s austerity measures against them.  
Ok guys… I would like to express my support to you the Greek journalists and urge you all to stay on strike for much longer than four-days; four months or even four years would be great.

During this time Greeks, instead of being subjected to the garbage you (sold out propaganda machines) serve us every night on television, or everyday on the radio, will have the opportunity to read a blog or two and actually get informed on what is really happening around them!
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