


April 21, 2011

Athens Mayor forbids use of “Xristos Anesti” because it bothers illegal Muslim community

Radio DazeImage by Ian Hayhurst
I think this next bit of news is a universal first... Instead of working on a new idea for a municipal park, instead of occupying himself with the alarming increase in violence because of the mass influx of illegal immigrants and instead of cleaning up the neighbourhoods from mountains of trash, Athens Mayor (totally supported by the PASOK government) Mr. George Kaminis decided to come out with a new mandate that forbids the publicized wish of “Xristos Anesti” (Christ has Risen) to be broadcasted via the municipality’s local radio station 9.84 FM.

According to producers of the station, Kaminis said that the words “Xristos Anesti” and “Kalo Pasxa” cannot be used this year because they offend non-Christian minorities in Athens. The only words permitted to be used, said the reports, are the words “Xronia Polla”.

Main opposition New Democracy spokesman Giannis Michelakis characterized the decision as provocative and unprecedented.

As expected there was no reaction by the government…. but then again no one expects any reaction from a Jewish prime minister.

Luckily for Kaminis that I do not live in Athens, because I would have purchased a megaphone, taken a tent and camped outside of the Town Hall and hollered “Xristos Anesti” at the top of my voice until it silenced.

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