


March 28, 2011

In politics structure without substance has no meaning

Speak up for PeaceImage by eqqman via Flickr
Unfortunately a general lack of humility, arrogance, vanity, insecurity, greed, fears, prejudices, hatred, suspicion, divisions and repression have closed many ears and hearts lately and we can see this on a larger scale by the people that we elevated to office and/or represent us. 

This has created a chaotic environment, and citizens just want and need to feel secure. Some would say the easiest way to wipe the slate clean and create a climate of stability is to use communication, which in most cases plays a vital part in this process. 

For a politician this is easy, he or she can choose to give an interview to the general media, or a speech and be heard… but what about the voter? Voters are rarely heard… it is almost like they are used only for their votes and when the elections are over they are forgotten and unimportant.

Issues that have to do with immigration, our nation’s sovereignty and/or even sending our children to fight and die in unnecessary and unwanted wars are subjects of national importance and every citizen in Greece, as well as anywhere else in the world, has the right to voice his or her opinion and worries about these subjects to their representatives. 

When citizens are not allowed to speak, or are blocked from speaking, the result are feelings of intolerance, indifference to the plight and humanity of others. Following this misunderstandings begin to occur and a general atmosphere of hostility and suspicion surfaces.

A real democratic society requires that all political parties resort to a genuine dialogue with their supporters and not just a fake cosmetic dialogue with party organs. It is genuine dialogue with the people that always brings about the end to intolerance and indifference. 

Such a genuine dialogue requires that people from different groupings to open their blocked ears and hearts and to listen to each other. This helps them to learn and unlearn from each other, and it does not make them bat their eyes to each other and criticise one another for standing by their individual ideals and beliefs. 

But certainly for people to listen there has to be someone speaking because it is not possible to listen to dead air… a voice has to be heard. So the argument that the word of the people is being heard is a bunch of baloney… because if there is no one speaking, then how is the message of the people getting across to those in office? When citizens are limited, and not permitted to speak because their opinion does not follow the line of the party they support then their freedom of assembly and speech are directly violated and when this happens there is no point to democracy because it is totally non-existent.

The point of any political party is to allow its people to have a say in the running of the country. The trouble is politicians use focus groups and/or policy makers to instead dictate policy… and in most cases it is these very organs of office that create fanaticism and even at times become corrupted and hardly ever listen to the people let alone transcend the messages to the top of the ladder.

This is when voters begin to worry… because they start asking themselves who do these people actually serve? 

My opinion is that in a civilised society, citizens have a right to gather peacefully and protest the policies of their government or representatives. Direct action is open to everyone in a democracy. What meaningful political participation can citizens have if they are not allowed to participate in this direct action?

It is a matter of dignity. Leaders who respect this, guarantee basic rights to all the people they represent and create opportunities for citizens to exercise their responsibilities. 

The trouble is that some just don’t get it… There will never be peace if this disrespect for the dignity of every citizen continues and I say this because peace is the fruit of honesty, truth and solidarity; it is the total tranquillity of order.

It is so simple my dear friends, structures without substance serve no purpose. We might feel very pleased with ourselves at having a glass but without any water to put in it the glass is totally meaningless and empty. The substance and the structure must co-exist. The same holds true for democracy, there must be a structure (political representatives), but there must also be substance (the voter). 

To live in and be part of a society is to be included in the political context, so when a citizen criticizes a politician's policies they are just exercising the meagre (but appreciable) freedom they have as a voter. They are not going against their representatives, or creating chaos… they are merely expressing their concerns and worries. And all citizens are entitled to this right because everyone is affected by the decisions of government. It does not matter if the person doesn't vote, does vote, or even if they just fill out a blank ballot, the result is the same: politicians will affect our lives regardless.

And finally, people in office work for us. We pay their salaries and underwrite their lavish lifestyles and perks. So when they do not do their jobs in a timely or effective manner, we have every right to tell them so whether they like it or not… so that they can either become better at what they do and how they represent us, or step down and allow someone else to get the job done.

Marina Spanos

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