
February 13, 2014

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Independent Greeks Express Concern Over Cyprus Issue Developments

The Independent Greeks (ANEL) party expressed grave concern over developments in the Cyprus issue, through its spokesman Terence Quick. In a statement, Quick referred to Tuesday's issuing of the joint statement between the Cyprus president and the Turkish Cypriot leader and said that it "confirmed our fears" of a "continuous sliding" of the Cyprus issue on a "dangerous and submissive course".

He said that Independent Greeks leader Panos Kammenos will come into contact with the leaders of the Cypriot forces "that are not committed with the 'Anan 2' plan that has been set," he said, referring to the proposal by former UN Secretary General Kofi Annan.

Lastly he said that "the Republic of Cyprus is being swamped and the new formation is now recognising and accepting the occupation forces as an equal interlocutor. Hopes are now turning to the people of Cyprus themselves and to the referendum, following the patriotic legacy of unforgettable Tassos Papadopoulos," referring of course to the Cyprus Republic's late president.
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