
December 26, 2013

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Socialism Is Expensive So Useless People Need To Die! The Elites Know This

(conservativesonfire) - The progressive socialist of the world are all about caring, right? They care about women;s rights and the rights of gays and the rights of ethnic groups and the rights of the poor. The fact that those are important voting blocks has nothing to do with their caring attitude, does it? So, they want everyone to believe that they care about people as opposed to we knucle-dragging conservative/libertarians who believe people should take responsibility for themselves. They believe in the collective good and we believe in the good of each individual. They believe in government control of the people and we believe that the people should control the government.

Maybe the best kept secret ever is about those a the head of the progressive socialist food change. The real puppet masters who run organizations like the Trilateral Commission and The Club of Rome and The council on Foreign Relations with names like Rockefeller and Rothschild and Soros and etc. These are the people using their fortunes to promote “Democratic Socialism” on the world. And, guess what? They don’t give a damn about women’s rights or the rights of gays or of ethnic groups and they damn sure don’t care about the poor.

The only thing they care about is themselves. In their opinion, the biggest single threat they see to their desire to have and control even more of the world’s wealth is that there are far too many people on this planet consuming more of its wealth than they are producing. Their number one goal for a long time has been to reduce the world’s population. Of course, to keep the rabble from turning on them they needed to be discreet.

Their first target was the most vulnerable of the human race, the unborn babies. They used their money and influence to promote abortion rights. Not because they care one whit about a woman’s right to control her body; but to reduce the world’s population growth rate. Their plan has met with substantial success. The birth rates in the developed world are plummeting.

After the unborn babies, the most vulnerable group are the elderly. We old folks have more health issues than the young and, therefore, we consume a disproportionate share of the finite medical services that are available.

The elites at the top of the progressive socialist food change first installed government controlled health care with its rationing boards (death panels) in Europe and it’s America’s turn to get on board.

The goal has nothing to do with providing citizens with better health care or providing health care to the poor. It’s just another tool for reducing the world’s population. America’s elderly will get their first taste of what government health care has in mind for them on January 1; just a few days from now. Doug Ross@Journal says Obamacare has a shocking surprise awaiting our senior on New Years Day. He explains it in comic book fashion:

For a more in-depth discussion, you will find an excellent post on the subject over at Bunkerville.

But…but…but say our progressive socialist friends; what about our support of homosexuals? That shows we really care. Of course, the elites want to promote the homosexual life styles. Teaching young children that being gay is cool fits nicely in their plan. Homosexuals don’t reproduce, do they?

I can hear a liberal troll saying:
     “Hang on there Mr. humble observer of the asylum we all have to live in, we progressive socialists are the ones supporting extended unemployment benefits, welfare programs, and amnesty for illegal immigrants. You knucle-dragging Duck Dynasty types would turn your backs on all of these people. We are the people who care!”
You may think you are caring; but what have all your “caring” programs done but keep people poor and separated into tribes? Do you really think those puppet masters care about the poor? Be patient. For now as a voting block thy are needed. But, once they have the government so completely to their liking, once they are sure they have total control, they will turn on the poor, the non-productive, the weak with a vengeance. And, they will turn on all of you useful idiots too.

What are your thoughts?

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