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Whenever anti-Islam activists are pressed to distil their concerns down into some practical proposals that could be adopted as policies by a political party and then implemented at the government level, what do we get? Nothing of consequence. No “mainstream” party or figure or movement within the Counterjihad community has ever proposed anything that would make any significant difference to the islamisation of European societies currently underway. Why is that? Very simply, they are imprisoned by bad ideas. Indeed, they are imprisoned by the very same bad ideas that caused the problem in the first place.
A recent editorial from Lars Hedegaard on Dispatch International is illustrative of the moral and intellectual failure of the Counterjihad movement, or at least of those who constitute the public face of it.
The political terms left and right came into existence in 1789 during the French Revolution. Members of the National Assembly who supported the king sat to the right of the speaker, and revolutionaries to his left.So let’s run with this for a while. Let’s pretend that the governments of Europe stopped actively discriminating in favour of Muslims and stopped giving them preferential treatment. Would that solve the problem?
To the right belonged the representatives that to a greater or smaller extent were in favor of keeping the privileges of the nobility and the priesthood. The leftists advocated freedom, equality and brotherhood and wanted to abolish all special privileges.
If we apply this criterion, there is nothing right wing about Dispatch International. Quite the contrary: We belong to the far left as we are determined foes of any discrimination and believe that we should all be equal before the law. This implies, of course, that we must all have the same duties and that nobody should have the right to invoke preferential treatment with reference to social status, ethnicity, race, religion, political ideology or sexual orientation. Source: Dispatch International
No, it wouldn’t. Muslims would go on colonising our countries at their current astonishing pace. Eventually they would achieve demographic ascendancy, at first locally, then nationally. With that, they would elect their own Islamically-minded politicians who, perfectly legally, through the democratic process, would sweep aside all the carefully-wrought “human rights” protections and simply impose their will on the rest of us, discriminating against non-Muslims and mocking our demands for equality.
The approach proposed by the the better-known activists and organisations within the Counterjihad movement leads inevitably to the eclipse of European civilisation and the triumph of Islam. They cannot shed their “Be Nice” approach, partly because it has been so deeply instilled into them, partly because they have lived comfortable lives without the need for serious struggle, and partly because they are afraid of the criticism a more radical breach with the ideological status quo would provoke.
When people in the Counterjihad movement react to the islamisation of their countries, they are reacting only to the symptoms of the problem that afflicts us, not its underlying cause. Insofar as they make any effort to grasp how this catastrophe could have come about, they fumble for half-baked conspiracy theories, like “It’s all a plot by the EU in league with the Arabs” or “It’s all a plot by Communists” or, in some cases, “It’s all a plot by Jews”, the latter rarely heard overtly in the Counterjihad movement because of its domination by Jews, but surfacing in comment sections. This isn’t to say that the EU, Communists and Jews have not played facilitating roles in the islamisation of European societies. But trying to pin it on them specifically as part of some dastardly plot can only end up being reductive, if not absurd.
The truth is that the genocide currently being inflicted on the peoples of Europe was implicit in the ideas that triumphed in the Enlightenment, ideas that were articulated by the “philosophes” in the latter half of the 18th century and were then exalted by the French revolutionaries, ideas of which Lars Hederberg still apparently approves, and he is far from alone. This ensemble of bad ideas constitutes the intellectual prison in which modern western Europeans have lived out their lives. When an ancient European peoplehood was replaced by a bit of paper with the word “Citoyen” written on it, the genocide we are currently living through was already foreordained.
In a recent interview, the French writer Renaud Camus makes clear his realisation that “Equality” is a chimerical dogma that, in practice, translates into genocide for all the peoples of Europe.
What did you think of the controversy surrounding the installation of a Christmas crib in Villefranche-de-Rouergue railway station? [see here]Sources
I think that equality, if we let it, will destroy national identity, as it destroyed schools and culture. Let's not deceive ourselves: why is the issue of secularism coming back to the front and centre? Because good republicans see it as a rampart against the islamisation of society. But this badly constructed rampart is going to fall back on them and on us. It will work like the natalist laws, which actually speed up population replacement. To ban the Islamic veil, they think they have to ban all religious symbols at the same time. And we accept that the visibility of Christianity is scorned in the vain hope that this concession will limit the visibility of Islam, which is more evident every day. This conception of secularism is a fatal trap, but, behind it, it is equality itself that must be called into question. Equality, once it leaves it strictly legal basis - the legal equality of citizens - sweeps away and destroys everything it touches: the family, the cultural sphere, national identity. If we want France to survive, there can be no equality in France between those who are French and those who aren't; between those who form part of our culture, our civilisation, our traditions; and those who are foreign to them; between the religion of our fathers and the religion of our colonisers.
Boulevard Voltaire