
December 17, 2013

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Former Minister Arrested for Forgery & False Certification!

Former New Democracy MP, (and unfortunately the nephew of the late Constantine Karamanlis), Michalis Liapis, was arrested on Tuesday, in the area of Loutsa (northern Attica) for driving without a license, and forged license plates. According to reports, the traffic police stopped him when he violated a stop sign and quickly discovered that his automobile had fake license plates. In fact reports said that the plates used the number of its proper ones, which had already been filed!

When he was forced to stop, Liapis told authorities that he has homemade signs so that he can conduct small rides in the area, and literally left all those present in complete "awe". Also, Liapis (who once served as Minister of Transport) was not even carrying his driver’s license and/or an ID card! All this, combined with the fact that his car did not have any insurance, led to his arrest.

Eventually Liapis presented his license as well as his ID card but he is still in custody. Reports said that he now has to face a prosecutor on charges of forgery, false certification and use of an uninsured vehicle, and pay a fine of 500 Euros.

The news of his arrest is truly tragic not only because of the office he held while in power, but also because he is the cousin of a former prime minister (Costas Karamanlis). The former PM has never given reason to the justice system for scrutiny, he lives by example, while his dear cousin (who was always jealous of him and the position he held in ND) was also once mentioned in the Siemens scandal as well. (Some of us have sharp memories).

Common everyday citizens have to ruthlessly endure predatory taxes imposed on them by this country's political system, and have not only lost their automobiles and their homes, but they have also taken their own lives because of all these taxes. Combine this with the cost of living, the price of gasoline, heating oil and other day to day expenses and it is hell on high water for most people. However, for people like Liapis this is all here say. When you have a lot of money, as most politicians do, then you can hand in your old license plates, and avoid paying taxes on your expensive jeep. Following this you can purchase fake plates and drive around all day without a care in the world, because you have the political clout, the money and the power! We are pretty certain here at HellasFrappe that there are many more like him in the Greek Parliament and we applaud the Greek Police Department for actually doing its job!

But Greek authorities should not stop with the political elite. Why not park a few police cars in Ekali, or Kiffisia, where there is a plethora of rich spoiled brats driving around all day in their daddy's sports cars without any license and/or registration? How is it that we never, EVER hear of these arrests? Simple... They never occur! Imagine if authorities actually began busting a few oil tycoons like Vardinoyiannis, or Latsis... Imagine if they arrested a few shipping tycoons or construction mega contractors? And imagine if they began checking the plates of some of this country's better known journalists? We are one hundred percent certain that authorities will strike gold with all the above categories!

Of course this will never happen, because all these people, and all these categories, protect one another. They divide and conquer and they cover each other's backs! This is why Greek citizens are fed up with the present Greek system and why they cannot trust anyone any longer. This is also why so many citizens are turning to other more extreme elements. When citizens witness such violations, then why should they be inspired to be law abiding citizens? Instead of cleaning up house, the political elite of Greece continues to boldly demand that we sacrifice our homes, our cars, and our lives for the sake of saving Greece, yet they make no cutbacks and/or sacrifices of their own. This is a sick, very sick system!

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