
September 11, 2013

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Traitor Ellinarades elevate cross-border purchases from FYROM & place local economies at risk

It is stories such as these that make ones blood boil. While some Greeks wave flags in front of embassies, or expose the countless lies and falsifications of history through their blogs (like we do) fighting FYROM propaganda head on, other Greeks or "Repoussi-Style-Wannabe-Ellinarades" are actually elevating the economy of FYROM!

More exactly, many Greek citizens who live in the northern region of Greece, and who have been hit by the economic crisis, have been crossing over into FYROM and doing their grocery shopping, filling up their gas tanks and even getting a hair cut. All of this of course is hitting the local economy in Macedonia (local merchants say that they have suffered as much as 32 percent in losses) in a region that this country disputes is even Greek!

According to a a survey by the National Confederation of Hellenic Commerce,which was based on a sample of 250 enterprises in the region of Florina, Apparently these "Repoussi-Style-Ellinarades" (sarcastically speaking of course) have caused an economic crisis in this region, since eight out every ten enterprises said that the cross-border moves were seriously affecting the local market, while only three in a total of 250 in the same said that these moves had a positive impact on local markets.

Interestingly, three our of every four respondents in the state of Florina recognize that FYROM is benefiting greatly from these cross-border moves, but we bet most of the respondents here probably flock into FYROM for shopping sprees as well.

In Amyntaio, citizens were more pessimistic with only three percent saying that they were the ones to benefit from an economic interaction in the region.

(Oh Really.....?????)

This rate rose to 15 pct in the city of Florina.

The survey was conducted on a sample of 999 citizens.

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