
August 8, 2013

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PROVOCATION: Turkish Minister Characterizes Region of Thrace As "Severed Hand"

Turkish deputy health minister, Mehmet Muezzinoglu, recently told members of a Muslim minority in Rodopi that they should feel "honored and proud to be Turks and Muslims", and then went on to describe the region of Thrace (in northern Greece) as the "severed hand of Turkey"!

Muezzinoglu, who was born in Thrace in 1955 but adopted Turkish citizenship in 1986, was speaking to members of Rodopi's Turkish-speaking Muslim minority, which forms around half of the prefecture's population.

HellasFrappe has repeatedly sounded an alarm about this region with the aim of spreading overall awareness about how Turkey is manipulating the Muslim populations in Thrace to expand its Ottoman geopolitical empire.

Pay attention closely to what Muezzinoglu stated at the relevant event and make your own conclusions as to what Turkey's real aims and ambitions are in this delicate region of Greece:
     "Even though what we have here is a severed hand, the pain of this hand is locked in our hearts. That's why we are here with you. Don't worry at all; we were here yesterday, we are here now and we'll be with you tomorrow. Wherever this nation has a presence, wherever it has a historic past, we will be there too. If we find ourselves here today in Ragada and want to find ourselves here tomorrow, then we need to support two characteristics of yours: first, that we are members of the Turkish nation. Secondly, that we are Muslims and members of the Islamic community. We feel honoured and proud to be Turks and Muslims."
So far the Greek foreign ministry has not issued an official response to the provocative comments made by Muezzinoglu, however while speaking to a local radio station in Alexandroupolis Greek deputy foreign minister Akis Gerontopoulos, whose constituency is in neighbouring Evros, said:
     "I do not know and I do not want to comment on what Mr Muezzinoglu said. But as a Thracian, I want to clarify that no one can question the Greekness of Thrace. Whoever does that should know that the Greeks are prepared to cut their hands off... ".

Editor's Note - Wake up Ellada! 

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