"The Anastasiadis government is paying the price (for the mistakes made from) the previous government and he is trying to put things in order. It is not right to hit someone who is down. May God save them," said Bagis while speaking at a conference in Costantinopole.Forgetting all murders committed in 1974 as well as hundreds of years of slavery, Bagis said that if Cyprus was forced to exit the Eurozone then Turkey would support (Cyprus') transition to the Turkish lira and he even added that if the Cypriots had voted for the Annan plan several years ago then the island would not be experiencing the difficulty it is experiencing today.
(That just goes to show you that some hotheads in the West have still not gotten over Tasso Papadopoulos' patriotic stance and have not changed their foreign policy following the days of G.Bush).
The only thing we can say here at HellasFrappe is that the man, his country's Ottoman dreams are totally and without a doubt P I T I F U L.
The invaders actually have the audacity to make this offer when the mothers of missing soldiers are still lined up at the buffer zone everyday waiting for their sons to come home.
Everyone and anyone who has a drop of Greek blood -or even a damn molecule- must never EVER permit this to happen again.
Friends, we here at HellasFrappe are in favor of peaceful ties with our neighbors, but there are some wounds that can never mend. Turkey is one of them.
When will global policy makers understand that Greeks cannot befriend -and especially trust- Turks!
And finally, today is March 23, and we are just two days before Greek Independence Day, when Greeks united against the Ottomans after hundreds of years of slavery and this statement is a hard kick to the stomach to all of us who still believe that this world still has an ounce of democracy..
Shame on Turkey, and shame on all the imperialist b@st@rds who cannot leave our countries at peace.
Aei Sixtir.
Source in Greek - infognomonpolitics