
January 6, 2013

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Samaras "Optimism And Strength To Succeed" (VIDEO)

Prime Minister Antonis Samaras sent a message of optimism that Greece will succeed, in a brief statement after attending the "Blessing of the Waters" ceremony on Sunday, in observance of the Epiphany holy day, in Piraeus. "From Piraeus, the most important port in the Mediterranean, I want to send a message of optimism that we will succeed," Samaras said.
"The Greek people's strength, the entrepreneurship of the Greek and, above all, the optimism and unity that exists today, have, I believe, always been the tools that gave us progress and prosperity and will give them to us once again. Today, on the feast of the Epiphany, the wish that was given to us and the hope that we received from the Blessing of the Waters ritual instills in us once again optimism and strength that we will succeed," the prime minister added.
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