
January 16, 2013

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Lawlessness Not Acceptable - Common Front Against Violence

The escalation of violence and the daily problems of the real economy occupied centre stage at the meeting on Tuesday of the three political leaders whose parties comprise the ruling coalition.

Coming out of the meeting at Prime Minister Antonis Samara's Maximos Mansion headquarters, PASOK party leader Evangelos Venizelos said society must unanimously condemn phenomena of violence. He called on democratic forces in parliament to present a common front before racism-based violence, indirectly hinting that the Golden Dawn (Chryssi Avgi) party should be excluded. In terms of the economy, Venizelos said the three discussed mostly the problems the market and families face on a daily basis. He also said they discussed issues of national strategy, but did not provide details because he said both economy and strategy issues would be discussed at their next meeting. Asked to comment on the so-called Lagarde list issue, he said that there was a crude political plot by political forces, abetted by specific individuals. "The facts have spoken," he added.

"The democratic forces must raise a fortified wall against those who attack democracy," Democratic Left (DI.MAR.) leader Fotis Kouvelis said after the meeting at the Maximos Mansion. The three leaders, whose parties comprise the ruling coalition, also discussed the need to develop a social protection network for lower-income classes being affected most by the crisis and measures to stem unemployment, Kouvelis said.

To a query on what procedure the Parliament will use to vote on the so-called 'Lagarde list', DI.MAR's leader said that was a matter of the parliamentary presidents and the plenary session. Asked about plans for the Hellenic PostBank (TT) and whether its restructuring will proceed, Kouvelis said he introduced the topic in the agenda to ensure that any decision does not harm the bank's employees.amna

Following a briefing he gave to the political leaders, Public Order Minister Nikos Dendias said that lawlessness will never be acceptable, whatever its source. Leaving the meeting, the minister said he briefed the leaders "about the latest incidents of violence and about the great effort being undertaken to strengthen public safety in the land." (AMNA)
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