
January 15, 2013

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ANNOUNCEMENT - HellasFrappe Needs Your Help Now More Than Ever

HellasFrappe is calling out to all its readers for help.

This blog depends on readers to help offset the cost of maintaining a blog. Without it, we cannot continue operating.

We will give you an example. Over two thousand people a day log into HellasFrappe, but in the month of December only a hundred or so people clicked on our ads, and all we profited was a mere one euro and twenty cents. In other words, we worked a whole month for only 1.20 and are still here determined not to allow this blog to fade away. Thank heavens we received 250 euros in donations from two fans of the blog during the same month or else it would have been impossible to even continue doing this.

These are difficult times for Greece, and we really need this help. Please help us maintain this blog, we have worked so hard to watch it fall and fade away. Provide whatever you can $1, $5, $10, $20, $50, etc. It does not have to be a specific amount, the point is that you will do your part in allowing it to continue. And if you can't then that is ok but we ask that you post our articles so that we can increase our traffic and hopefully someone else will help us. Or at lease click on our ads, this also helps as well. Help us to continue this project which is vital for the free flow of information.

Make a donation by simply clicking on the donate button.

To all of those who have assisted in the past, the only thing we can say is Thank you for giving us the strength to continue, and most importantly for believing in us.

Your help is -and forever will be- greatly appreciated.

The articles posted on HellasFrappe are for entertainment and education purposes only. The views expressed here are solely those of the contributing author and do not necessarily reflect the views of HellasFrappe. Our blog believes in free speech and does not warrant the content on this site. You use the information at your own risk.