
December 30, 2012

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Stournaras Urges Depositors To Bring Back Greek Capital In Foreign Banks

 In an interview with the Sunday Edition of the "To VIMA" newspaper, Finance Minister Yannis Stournaras urged depositors who sent their money abroad to bring it back to Greece now that economic conditions have returned to normal, but at the same time he also warned them not to expect any amnesty, "Now that conditions have normalized, all those who withdrew their deposits from the Greek banks should return them. This will not only benefit national interests, but their own benefit as well."

Stournaras said that an assets register for all will be introduced in 2013.

At the same time, he said that the factors that will determine the course in 2013 will be the determination of the prime minister and the leaders of the two other parties supporting the coalition government and an acceleration of all the necessary changes to the state and the economy. "The fact that we distanced the danger of a return to the drachma does not mean that our national effort has ended. The struggle now begins to put in operation a new productive model that will support innovation, extroversion and entrepreneurship and will ensure an increase of employment."
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