
December 19, 2012

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Schools in Thessaloniki Decide To Fight Back Against Recession

Several schools in the northern city of Thessaloniki are beginning to fight back against the repercussions from this recession and according to reports some schools have solved their heating needs for this winter, while others have begun distributing breakfasts to many schoolchildren whose families do not have the resources to feed them properly.

One school in Thessaloniki solved its heating problems by using recycled frying oil to run its central boilers. The special primary school and senior high school in Pefka received 490 liters of biofuel from the Neapoli-Sykies Municipality and will now be able to heat up its classrooms. The fuel is produced at the thermodynamics department of the Technological Educational Institute (TEI) of Western Macedonia.

Parallel to this, the Municipality of Thessaloniki said it increased the number of students it helps to feed every day from 600 to 860, providing them with a breakfast sandwich or cheese pie. In collaboration with a Greek catering firm, the local authority started distributing breakfasts to selected students at 54 schools in the district whose families are facing serious financial difficulties.

Some might say this is not much, but we here at HellasFrappe beg to differ. We applaud such initiatives. At least some schoolchildren will have a warm classroom to do their studies in, and some nutrients in their tummies. Initiatives such as these should be copied by all Greeks, and especially by the Diaspora.
The Diaspora should be advised that instead of sending money to some faceless charity, its better if they find a local school or a medical clinic, or even a homeless shelter and either donate food, medicine, clothing, or even some fuel for heating. This is what is really needed at the moment and it will be greatly appreciated by people who are in experiencing great financial difficulties.

If you can try volunteering and if this is not feasible then you can always result into donating some funds.
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