
November 9, 2012

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Bulgarian FM Issues EU Warning to the FYROM Once Again

English: Photo of Nicolay Mladenov, foreign mi...
Nicolay Mladenov, foreign minister of Bulgaria (Photo credit: Wikipedia)
FYROM must put to an end the anti-Bulgarian campaign supported by its government, stated Bulgarian Minister of Foreign Affairs Nikolay Mladenov. Ιn an interview on Darik Radio, Mladenov continued a string of harsh remarks by himself and Bulgarian President Rosen Plevneliev, requesting more co-operation from FYROM if the country wants Bulgarian support for its EU bid.

Mladenov commented that the anti-Bulgarian campaign in the FYROM creates an infinite discomfort in Bulgarian public opinion adding that  only after this stops will Bulgaria agree with the FYROM's accession to the European Union.

Mladenov stressed that both the former Yugoslav Republic and Bulgaria are obliged to abide by the declaration of good will they signed in 1999. "The development depends solely on Skopje. They know what we expect, but we have not seen any progress," he added. (MacedoniaHellenicLand)

Editor's Note - FYROM is just digging its own grave, and we are certain that all the propaganda and falsifications about its culture and history its government uses to brainwash its peoples (using Greek and Bulgarian symbols and history) is beginning to backfire. By not respecting international agreements and declarations, as in the case with Greece, FYROM will now have to start dealing with yet another angry neighbor. 
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