
October 1, 2012

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Anarchists Clash Wth Golden Dawn And Residents in Aghios Panteleimonas (VIDEO)

Fifteen people were apparently injured in clashes between anarchists and supporters of the Golden Dawn party in the Athens neighbourhood of Aghios Panteleimonas late on Sunday night when a group of self-proclaimed rebels from Exarhia (a mostly anarchist area) decided to take a ride through this pro-Golden Dawn neighborhood.  Police officials were quoted in news reports as saying that the group -about 50 anarchists- drove through Aghios Panteleimonas in order to protest against the presence of the Golden Dawn party here (which is very popular with the residents). Officials also said that when local residents realized that the anarchists were riding through their neighborhoods they too joined in on the clashes and one resident even apparently brandished a gun during the scuffles but that it was not fired. In Volos, a report in the Kathimerini newspaper said that Golden Dawn supporters and anarchists got into a fight on Saturday and a total of 11 people were arrested.

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