
September 26, 2012

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Residents Chase Illegal Immigrants in Plateia Amerikis (VIDEOS)

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Residents that live around the area of Plateia Amerikis -in central Athens- took the law into their own hands on Monday night and descended to the infamous square in the framework of chasing away the numerous criminal groups that operate narcotics and prostitution shops there (as well as conduct other types of crimes). Most of the criminal rings are operated by illegal immigrants.

Frustrated with the indifference of the State, as well as poor security in the area, the residents here decided to take their neighborhoods back.  At around 11 pm, they literally set out on a manhunt, and minor incidents were reported to have occurred between locals and illegal immigrants in the narrow and dark alleys near the square. This continued for at least three more hours.

And here is where it gets interesting. The residents in this area have been resorting to this method for quite some time now. They take to the streets every night, half a sleep, risking their lives because they are determined to take back their neighborhoods from the drug traffickers, the murderers, the thugs, the prostitutes and the other criminals. They were met by riot police who did not permit them to enter a building where illegal immigrants lived.

The following videos were recorded from last night's events and were posted on the newsite

Editor's Note - These residents have every right to want to live in a neighborhood that is free of crime. We bet one of Mr. Soros' NGO's will come out with a news flash today or tomorrow and begin characterizing Greeks as racists again. Doesn't the state realize that this is what happens when it is totally indifferent to the peoples needs? People want to feel safe in their homes. By tolerating all the criminal acts that have been recorded by these groups of peoples, which the government said on Monday amounted for half of all the crime in Greece, then what do you expect the people to do who want to be able to go to their jobs and their daily affairs without having to worry of being robbed, raped or killed. Certainly we do not agree with such methods, but we cannot accept the indifference of the State either and we deplore the fact that this is all coming from people who forced their way into our country.

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