
September 14, 2012

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Golden Dawn To Immigrant - For Caviar, Lobster, Shrimp Pasta, Go See Tsipras & Papariga (VIDEO)

The Golden Dawn party has set up a soup kitchen nationwide, and routinely hands out bags of food to families who are in dire need. The only thing is... they refuse to help illegal immigrants, and rather only aid Greek nationals. Well during one such routine food handout at the Aghio Panteleimona area, one of their strongest supporters, a foreign woman approached party MP Ilia Panagiotarou and asked him for a bag of food and he simply said "for lobster, shrimp pasta, and caviar go see Tsipras and Papariga", or SYRIZA leader Alexis Tsipras and leader of the Greek Communist Party Aleka Papariga. (Meaning that because the two latter parties support the illegal immigrants in Greece, they should also be obligated to support them.)
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