
August 16, 2012

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CONSPIRACY -Fake Moon Landing Hoax By Kubrick, Nixon, Rumsfeld, Kissinger, etc.? (VIDEO)

What links Stanley Kubrick with NASA? Well a little while after his death his family stepped forward to reveal what they claim is to be the truth "man never landed on the moon!"

The documentary "Dark Side of the Moon" is full of intrigue, and has a subtle blend of facts, fiction and hypothesis (much like a Dan Brown novel) around the number one event that marked the twentieth century. It asks if Richard Nixon was ready to go to extremes in order to ensure the supremacy of the United States in space exploration.

It includes actual interviews from Henry Kissinger, Donald Rumsfeld and Buzz Aldrin, and reminds us of the power of images and their manipulation.

Remember the moon landing was after Kennedy was killed. The video, which implies that they faked the landing, claims that the reason they did this is because the US military needed funding to conduct their black budget projects and their star wars military budgets. After all people would support a moon landing but would never endorse a big military offensive war budget. The documentary also focuses on the conflict of interests between L.Johnson, R.Nixon, G.Bush, etc.

So, was there real "live coverage" of the Moon landing? Or was it just filmed in a studio in London?

Watch the six-part series below and find out!


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