
July 2, 2012

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Citizens In Patras Terrified Over Rise In Crime (VIDEO REPORT)

Citizens in Patras are living on a bed of nails, which only adds to the overall uncertainty and fear they already have because of the economic crisis. The incredible influx of illegal immigrants over the past few years has transformed entire neighborhoods in Patras, just like downtown Athens, into a "no-man's land," where prostitution, narcotics, muggings, armed robberies, general lawlessness and diseases like hepatitis and AIDS are rampant. Many of these illegal immigrants resort to crime in order to make ends meet and especially to maintain their drug habits and this has literally terrified residents in this Achaia city who have now added more pad locks, bolted doors and alarm systems to their homes in order to feel safe. Most robberies are made on private homes, because many people, especially the elderly, have lost faith in banks and are keeping large amounts of money in their homes. So much like Athens, Patras is suffering greatly from the rise in illegal immigrants, while they still feel rage over the brutal murder of a 30-year old Greek man who died after suffering six stab wounds by several illegal immigrants a little more than a month ago. (Read about that incident by clicking here)
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