
March 3, 2012

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Greek Court Rejects Turkish Union Of Xanthi

photo by onalert

Here is some good news from a story that was released a little earlier on onalert. The Supreme Court of Greece flatly rejected to recognize the so called Turkish Union of Xanthi, even though it had already been recognized by the European Court on the grounds that the decisions of the European Court of Human Rights are not binding in Greek courts.

Therefore, the Turkish Union of Xanthi is now officially shut down for business, at the disappointment of course of "those" who promote and unjustly endorse the idea that claims that the Muslim communities in Thrace are only of "Turkish" decent.

They should realize that these are GREEK citizens first (since they live in Greece) and if they have a Pomak, Turkish, Roma and even Bulgarian background then that should be secondary since they were born and raised in Greece! Luckily for our justice system, this absurdity was not accepted.

Pali kala...
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