
February 29, 2012

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Kammenos Gives Explosive Speech In Parliament (VIDEO)

During his speech in Parliament late on Tuesday, the head of the "Independent Hellenes" movement Panos Kammenos criticized the coalition government of interim prime minister Lucas Papademos stating that everything that is presently being discussed and decided by this government is "illegal, invalid and unconstitutional." He said Greek banks were given 170 billion euros but none of this money ever made it to the real economy. "Are they (the banksters) going to surface this money later (meaning after a possible default) so that they (the banksters) can buy out Greece's wealth?"

Kammenos also asked a common sense question: "It is true that out of the 130 billion euros (from the second bailout plan) only 24 billion entered the country?"

"Who's afraid of bankruptcy, us (Greece) or them (our creditors)? He noted that they are forcing Greece into bankruptcy and with this are pressuring the government to threaten the Greek people and sign memorandums that force our children and grandchildren to dish out money, so that they can mortgage our mineral wealth.

Just before he concluded his speech, the head of the "Independent Hellenes" Movement called on the interim government to immediately step down from power and suggested that they resist handing over everything to our creditors simply because it was not (and is not) their constitutional right. Say "NO" said Kammenos, in the same way the late Tasso Papadopoulos said no to the Annan Plan for Cyprus. "It will lead Greece to (a better) tomorrow, far from memorandums and authoritarian rule."

Note: And then our politicians wonder why Kammenos is so popular with the people... isn't it obvious?

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