
November 6, 2011

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Samaras Received by Papoulias, Agrees On Coalition Gov't

Upon main opposition New Democracy leader Antonis Samaras’ exit from the Presidential Mansion where he just held a meeting with the President of the Republic Karolos Papoulias, Greek Prime Minister George Papandreou is expected to contact Papoulias and ask him whether the conditions are right for the meeting of political leaders in order for the political parties to clarify their positions in the framework of forming a coalition government.

The meeting might even be held tonight.

Samaras was pressured to accept a coalition government with the aim of securing parliamentary approval of a eurozone bailout for Greece before elections are held.

Sources claim that Papandreou wants a government with the participation of the opposition parties but he has yet to resign, a condition that was set by Antonis Samaras.

On Saturday the ND leader flatly rejected Papandreou's proposal of a coalition government which would rule for several months and shepherd the 130 billion euro bailout, Greece's last financial lifeline, through parliament. But in snubbing Papandreou, who survived a parliamentary confidence vote late on Friday night, the conservative opposition acknowledged the leading role being played by his finance minister in the manoeuvring for power.

"Whenever we try to find a way out, the Papandreou-Venizelos government invents new obstacles to block it," New Democracy chief Antonis Samaras said. "We made our offer and he (Papandreou) shut the door. The offer is still on the table. I hope he realises his mistake."

Samaras repeated his demand for Papandreou to make way for a short-lived national unity government before snap elections. "We did not seek a role in this government, only that Mr Papandreou, who has become dangerous for the country, resigns."

Samaras also demanded that the loan agreements, and Memorandum be brought to parliament.

"We cannot agree to terms that have yet to be drafted and we know not what they contain" said Samaras.

He is right.

How can the Troika pressure Greece to sign something it knows nothing about?

Is anyone listening out there?

Please listen carefully to the two videos below. The first video shows Samaras coming out of the Presidential Mansion, and in the second video below that he explains why he was insisting that Papandreou to step down from power.

We just want to remind readers that we have featured many stories on the Bourgas-Alexandroupolis pipleline, the FYROM issue as well as our natural reserves.... all of which will be negotiated in the next three months. Yes... the NEXT THREE MONTHS. In fact in his address on Friday night before the crucial confidence vote, Papandreou spoke about all these issues (remember our story on why we said Greece was being piled with debt????)

Watch the videos below and you will realize why "interests" were pressuring Antonis Samaras so much to accept this coalition government. His speech in the second video is very revealing.



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