
September 7, 2011

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Spanoudakis says it like it is! (VIDEO REPORT)

In a radio interview to Antenna 972 radio (to the reporters P. Liakos - K. Giannoulopoulos and George Mitsikostas listen to the video below) Stamatis Spanoudakis, one of the greatest living composers in Greece right now, said that Greeks are victims of a betrayed woman, (Margaret Papandreou) who is taking revenge on the people of this country, through her son, for applauding a prime minister who exited an airplane with his girlfriend….

"Unfortunately I am from Greece I have too many rivals that belong to the media; almost everyone, with the exception of Antenna. So you will not easily see me featured in newspapers, on television. You will not see my concerts being promoted. It is not possible to ask for help from people who offend and discredit you. For years I have said that I will never play at the Megaro Concert Hall until I change direction (political choices). I do not want the bands of Mbobola, I do not want Kathimerini and Eleftherotypia, because these people are evil to us, how then is it possible to ask them to endorse me? ""
When asked to comment on (former premier Costas) Simitis, former Prime Minister (Costas) Karamanlis, former Archbishop of Greece Christodoulos, the Right (political direction) and the New Democracy Party, Spanoudakis said that this is the heart of everything.

“The horrible Semitic storm of 2000 (during the period when citizens across Greece lost their money in a bubble stock market crash), threatened many artists, shut down roads, etc., I did not know Karamanlis and I was not even part of the New Democracy party nor have I ever been part of any party, even until now. I met this man and I believed him with all of my soul – just as I believed (Archbishop) Christodoulos. I was content as a Greek citizen, even though I was highly criticised because I saw two men who loved this country. My duty as a citizen was to say what I knew to be true, but in Greece openly admitting that you support a conservative prime minister and a man of the Church is like saying ‘throw me down and beat me’. This did not bother me. I knew what I was going to be confronted with. I have been living in Greece since 1974. I was disappointed that my intentions were misunderstood (by my peers) who thought (that by openly admitting that I supported Karamanlis) I wanted to be appointed Minister of Culture, or that I wanted ‘positions’ or statuses. Notice that when New Democracy came to power I moved aside for yet another reason, because New Democracy supporters wanted to hold a balance with supporters of the left and I was too conservative for their liking. This is the reality, I knew what was going to happen from beforehand, but I do not care. I am not obligated to give an explanation to anyone, only to God. That is where I tell my truth and I am compelled to say what I believe.”

He then saved the best for last. The “revenge on the Greek people” by Margaret Papandreou through his son “because she was betrayed by Andreas”.

"The structural problem of Greece is that we have made a “p…ssy out of things.” Essentially, the Greek people are victims to a betrayed woman who through her son is avenging them for applauding a prime minister (her ex-husband Andreas) who exited an airplane with his girlfriend and was applauded by the people.

How true…. How true… How true!

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