
September 16, 2011

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Skateboard throughout Athens Dudes - VIDEO

Athens is indeed a beautiful city and the easiest way to see it is by commuting by bus, metro and tram. You can always rent a car, bike and even hire a driver. Are there any other ways? Well, hellasfrappe found this video on Youtube which gives visitors and extreme game lovers an alternative on how they can really get a feel of the city. Adidas Skateboarding just dropped a banger of a video from their latest campaign shoot over in Greece, featuring Dennis Busenitz, Silas Baxter-Neal, Lucas Puig, Tim O’Connor, Pete Eldridge, Benny Fairfax, Nestor Judkins, Lem Villemin and Jake Donnelly hitting up plenty of Greek street, with a brief visit to Mykonos. 

Dude... if these names don’t get you hyped to watch, then you and me my friend are from different planets!


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