
September 6, 2011

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Gov’t to scrap army camps, and replace them with solar energy parks

Inactive army camps, which the government has long intended to exploit in several ways, are most likely to now provide solutions by extracting electricity from solar energy which will then be sold to Europe. According to the news site, this is one of the parameters of project "Helios", whose general parameters were presented on Monday at a conference in Hamburg, by Minister of the Environment George Papaconstantinou.

The plan provides for the granting of a total area of about 200 square kilometers, to German and other corporations, and will involved the construction of solar power plants which will aid Greece to multiply its current electrical capacity 2200 MW in 2020, and at the same time channel solar energy to Germany and other European countries.

Germany is the leader in the field of photovoltaics otherwise known as solar panels in Europe but has opted for even bigger growth in the sector, as it gradually seems to be disengaged from the use of nuclear energy due to the negative reactions from its citizens, especially after the tragedy in Japan earlier this year. Our country, which boasts 300 days of sunshine per year, allows us to enjoy some 50% more sunlight than Germans do.

The program aims to exploit 3 to 10 GW of solar energy, which with an average investment cost of about two million/MW, refers to investment of up to 20 billion euros, excluding the strengthening of infrastructure in networks. Moreover, recipient countries could cover the cost of the latter, in return for the generated power from Greece.

Source: protothema

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