
August 27, 2011

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Can sex strikes change the world? (VIDEO)

Colombian authorities have agreed to comply with demands for road improvements - after hundreds of women went on a sex strike. ­For 38 days, they denied their husbands sexual favors until a road that connects their small town to the rest of the country was paved. I guess they took a lesson from Aristophanes' play Lysistrata which is a comic account of one woman's extraordinary mission to end The Peloponnesian War by convincing the women of Greece to withhold sexual gratification from their husbands as a means of forcing the men to negotiate peace — a strategy that, consequently, inflames the battle between the sexes. The play is notable for being an early exposé of sexual politics in a male-dominated society. RT's Lori Harfenist, also known as The Resident, asks people in New York how sex strikes could change the world.

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