
July 11, 2011

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Our own Ioannis Diamantakos takes on Syria’s Womens Nat’l Team

Hellasfrappe is proud to announce that our own Ioannis Diamantakos (who is a professional basketball coach and contributes sporting articles and analysis to our blog) was recently hired by the National Women’s Basketaball Team of Syria.

Diamantakos is a coach who does not hesitate to take on any impossible task, and/or challenge and that is why he gladly accepted. He has in the past worked with the Romanian ICIM Arad, but also for Romania's U20 National team.

"I received a prestigious proposal by the President of the Syrian Federation Muhammad Jalal NAKRACH to take on the National Women's Team,' said Ioannis. The president wants to run a project with foreign coaches (men and women) to raise the level of basketball in the country and I am pleased to be part of this project 'he added.

'We begin with a summer camp for National team in July and August, in two training centres that exist in Damascus and Aleppo city. In December we will take part in WABA games' claimed Iannis Diamantakos

All of the contributors of Hellasfrappe would like to wish Ioannis the best of luck on his new venture and pray that after his challenge is accomplished that he have a safe return back to Greece.  

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