
July 19, 2011

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In memory of Socrates Golias (VIDEO)

On July 19 2010, investigative journalist Socrates Golias was viciously killed by unknown gunmen on the doorstep of his home in Athens. The murder marked the first killing of a journalist in Greece in more than 20 years.

He was shot several times by three men whose identity still remains unknown. Golias worked as a journalist on "Proto Thema" and was one of the founders of the Greek blog Troktiko. (The Rodent).

Socrates managed to put into practice his vision of an unfettered information system with total freedom of speech at the "".

I remember logging on all the time, and getting infuriated with some of his posts because they insulted some of the people that I supported, but nonetheless I liked that there was “another opinion” available to information junkies such as myself.

A visionary and a creator of the idea of an independent media that informed people with dignity and satire as he stated, he made this online information site a habit and his blog managed to quickly become the world's No.1 blog with more than 1,500. 000 (!) daily visitors and over 400 (!) posts a day. It certainly caused a stir in the news industry and a substantial number of television and radio programs replicated his reports! 

Together with a young staff, that was not related to the journalism field, but that believed in his vision, Socrates managed to build a strong group that was closely tied to him, and defended his ideals.
Like I said above, I did not agree with much of what the blog published, and at times got infuriated with some of his articles. But I always run by the notion that you have to study the enemy in order to be well prepared to face the storm, and I live by the ideal of free speech and free thought.

Most of all I respected that the blog, right or wrong, went against the mainstream media, and presented another side to the news.

I also respect that fact that with his electronic keypad "pen", Socrates Giolias at least tried to go against “the system”

He succeeded, but eventually paid the tragic price: His own life!
At 37 years of age and shortly before becoming a father for the second time (his wife was four months pregnant when he was murdered) he was gunned down on the morning of July 19, 2010 at the entrance of his home ... 

Some 17 bullets silenced the voice of a truly free man ... 

The closed shop a few days later, with the last post saying… "Goodnight Greece".

Whether I agreed with him or not, and whether I enjoyed the stories he posted does not really make a difference, his death without a doubt was a tragedy.

Socrates was an inspiration to all bloggers, and today bloggers everywhere honour him. 

You will always be remembered Socrates, my personal condolences to your family and friends. 

Marina Spanos

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