
May 12, 2011

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Tonight Second Semi-Final of the 2011 Eurovision Contest (VIDEO)

DUSSELDORF, GERMANY - MAY 09:  (From L to R) H...Image by Getty
Only an hour left till the Second Semi-Final of the 2011 Eurovision Song Contest and all of the artists are getting more and more nervous! Right now, the third and last dress rehearsal is ongoing - it's the last chance for the delegations to fix the problem that might have appeared!

Tonight Cyprus is taking the stage, and Greek fans everywhere should endorse them.
Just as in the First Semi-Final, 19 countries are participating, but only 10 of them will qualify for the Grand Final which will take place on Saturday night. Experts and fans are unsure about who is going to reach that aim though, and basically every single one of the19 contestants have been named as one of the possible qualifiers!

Not only in the 19 participating countries people will be able to televote. Apart from this, the audience in France, Germany and Italy can decide about their favourites too, and pick up the phone or send an sms for them.

This afternoon, all the artists have the chance to rehearse their song for one last time on the gigantic Düsseldorf stage. Some are taking it easy and are not giving 100% yet, others take it more seriously and give all they have. What tactic will be more successful? We will only know tonight at about 23:00h when the qualifiers are being announced on Europe's TV screens.

You can watch it live here:

VIDEO of dress Rehearsals prior to the live show earlier today 

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